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Friday, August 5, 2016

Musical refrigerators, these goats, RU

With the fridge we really, really like now working properly I took the time to move out the fridge we were using temporarily and get our fridge back in place. It was a little work but it was worth it. I still have the thermometer in the operating fridge so I can trouble shoot it day by day in case there is an ongoing problem, but it is very nice to have it back in service. I have yet to get the other fridge out of the house because I have to take off the front door to get it out. I did not feel like doing that today - just in case we need it back sooner rather than later.

If we feel the need to put that fridge in service I will hook it up in the garage so we can have the ice maker there while I move the old fridge to the well house - where I can also hook up the ice maker for that fridge. Mama was strongly in favor of the musical fridges idea; two ice makers in service is more to her liking. If you are wondering why I just don’t put the fridge we are taking out of the house into the well house, the answer is simple. It will not fit through the door. When I took off the front door to get it into the house we scratched the door handles slightly because of the very tight fit; with the front door removed. The doorway to the well house is 4” smaller. i measured it just to make sure.

These goats we are raising are more fun that we anticipated. Since they are fainting goats they are very prone to stiffen to the point of falling completely over when they are startled. Today it was the mower that spooked them. They thought they were in the clear when Mama headed to the front part of the area we keep them in but as she headed for the gate - where they were congregating because I was there waiting to open it for Mama - they all got very stiff legged and had a hard time clearing out of her path. Both of us had to laugh at the frozen herd bleating in panic because they could not move faster. Eventually they all got their full muscle control and ran to the barn for safety. 

We have been told that there is a scale of how strong the myotonic nature is in each animal. Ours are at the very affected end of the scale which makes them very desirable to herd owners wanting the keep the breed close to their original genetic nature. I only know it can get quite hilarious at times.

Tonight was RU. It has been a very full week. For a craft tonight Mama brought her sea shells and a couple glue guns. The children we had worked through the entire two hours arranging and gluing shells together. One would have thought that all the little clusters of shells made either by gluing them into figurines or attaching them to paper would have depleted the supply but I could not tell a difference in the weight of the box that returned to the house with us.

The kids were delighted and though Mama’s precious shells found different homes, I think she was delighted too.


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