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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Aubrey, Lunch with Mama, partial packing

Victoria was off today so Mama volunteered her to watch Aubrey; the six month old daughter to Cheyenne’s parents. The grandmother is visiting family somewhere this month so the parents are having a hard time finding someone to watch her during the busiest parts of the business day - when they first open the restaurant. She is the quietist baby I have ever been around. She certainly makes Savanna seem unusually vocal, but even a little jabber from an infant would have the same result since Savanna is very, very vocal. We only had Aubrey a few hours but it was enough to get her used to each of us. She is one of those babies that smiles with her whole face. She is a prime example of what Mama really loves in these little ones; a perfect chunky baby.

Everyone but Nate and I went to town today to have lunch with Mama at the school this afternoon. They were supposed to have pizza but the flour they used to make the dough for the pizzas had some kind of little bugs in it. In any other country that would have been no problem but it is still an issue here in the US; possibly always will be with Cori and Mama. So they went to Wendy’s instead. Mama enjoyed that. 

Nate worked on his laptop and I worked on mine for the several hours everyone was gone. I did not feel like I got a lot done but Nate made some pretty good headway booking meetings well into November. Since we have strong ties with several churches we have belonged to over the years it works out well for Cori and Nate as they seek opportunities to present their work. We also have close friendships with pastors far and wide throughout the US. That also helps.

During the last hour I was working on the computer Nate began to pack for the week ahead for their family. They will be in a Mission’s Conference at a church nearby and all had to be ready to go by 2 pm. They were expected at the church by 4 pm so they could set up their display and visit with the pastor and main speaker at the conference. I am pretty sure they made it but we have been busy in their absence. Many of the sleeping pallets we set up for the kids will remain in place, as well as the extra dining room seating,  since they will be back Sunday night and staying through Wednesday morning. Not our normal arrangement of the house, but it is a welcome disruption of our normal.

Brittany went to the church and practiced for several hours this afternoon so she would be ready to play for the service tonight. Both my usual musicians are out this week but we had a backup pianist ready for tonight until her young son came down with pneumonia. Enter Brittany. She took the service tonight. I had to change all the selections but we settled on some good hymns that she knew well enough to play confidently. She did really well and everyone appreciated it. I am not sure what we will need this Sunday but we will manage somehow.

For now, the house seem strangely quiet.


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