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Monday, September 12, 2016

Conference, interview, what’s new

Right now we are in a conference at our church. It is a little different than most because it really is a conference, not a revival or a set of evangelistic services; a conference. Our speaker is from the Creation Science Museum and he is taking us through time from the beginning to the end, Genesis to Revelation. It is quite interesting as he matches up science (including complex chemical equations), archeology and ancient writings across several cultures with scripture. The real benefit to Mama, Victoria and I is that much of what we are hearing is a repeat of some of the material we have covered in FBI (Faith Bible Institute).

It is fascinating to see the thread of the gospel woven through the entire Bible. Beginning with the “seed of the woman”  who will “bruise” the head of the serpent. Genesis Chapter 3. Book after book references the coming of the Messiah and yet so few were prepared when that day arrived. It took the religious leaders of that time only three years of Jesus earthly ministry to figure out how to turn the world against Him and kill Him. That only started what turned the world right side up in the next generation and has shaped the events of world history since that time - and will continue to do so, all the way to the end. It is great to hear it recounted again.

I have my rescheduled interview with Amazon tomorrow morning. I have no idea what to expect but I hope for a good outcome overall. At the very least, it will eliminate another avenue for providing an income should I come away without an offer. The unfortunate truth is that I have to be very careful what commitment I make because it could affect all the commitments I have already promised to keep. I used to say, “I remember a time when life was easier.” Now, I am not sure if that statement was ever true. 

Permanently distracted. That’s how I am starting to feel. I realize it is a temporary state but it is disconcerting to say the least. I have to rely on what has worked well in past practice. Never let circumstances alone determine your actions. God has never made a mistake in my life and I do not want to start a chain of them myself that will have to be corrected at a higher cost than just waiting on a clear direction. I am meeting with my financial advisor Thursday to formulate an 18 month plan to evaluate whether or not we can keep the farm long term. It will be good to have his advice and guidance. 

RU may be disbanding after two years up and running since my friend, the man who headed it up, has resigned all his ministries at the church. There is no one available in the short term to take it over. That too, is an occasion we will have to let play out according to the will of God. The ministry was withering in the last six months and it could be time to regroup, evaluate the purpose and see if it is something we need to pick back up in the future. Too many times we do what we have always done simply because someone who loved it started doing it and we don’t know why we are doing it or how we could stop doing it. It is not always a bad thing to stop, prove the value in what we are doing and move to recommit to it or drop it. It is often healthy.

Chase and Makaila were here Saturday. They could only stay a few hours but it was good to spend the time with them; always is. They will be on a cruise when the Nate, Cori and the kids  are here; actually leaving the same day the kids arrive - Saturday. And Brittany will be here some time Thursday. She has not finalized her plans yet that I have been told.

It is not looking like I will get much internet work done either this week or next. Oh, well.


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