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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My glasses, Maggie and Aaron, odors

Those of you that know me know that I have to put everything that I plan to take to work with me either in or on my lunch box the night before if it is to make it to work with me; my cell phone, my glasses, any paperwork or bills, etc. If it is not there when I pick up my lunchbox as I walk up of the door I will probably not remember to get it on the way out of the door. So I was pretty surprised yesterday morning that I did not see my glasses where I usually hook them to the lip of the lunchbox.

I knew that there was an extra pair in my desk at work so I went ahead and left the house without them after I looked a couple places I may have laid them down. Later that morning Mama called and asked, “Are you mad at me?” I immediately tried to think of anything I could have done to give her the impression that I was mad. Nothing came to mind but that does not ordinarily exempt me from culpability. So I told her I was not and asked why she asked if I was.

“Because I used your glassed last night when I could not find mine and I forgot to put them back.” I told her about the extra pair I had at work and she was noticeably relieved. She did find her glasses but it did reinforce both the good and bad of having the habit of having mine in the same place – they are easy to find no matter who needs them.

Maggie called me yesterday. She and Aaron had been to see the doctor and she was worried about her blood pressure. It was 100/58 or some number within that range. Grandma had put her in a panic because it sounded dangerously low to her. I assured her it was not a concern if that was normal for her. Besides the doctor was not worried by it so I can assume it is pretty typical for her visits.

I told her Grandma’s concerns stem from the fact that her blood pressure is normally between 145/90 to 160/110. Mine can run pretty high also. In fact a reading on my blood pressure as low as Maggie’s would only be when I was passed out. But I trained for my EMT certification with an instructor whose reading s were always 100/50 or lower. He was the one of the most animated individual have ever been around.

Aaron got to go to the visit with Maggie and was shown how to take her blood pressure as well as shown how to press on Maggie’s belly and find the baby’s head so they can monitor the position in the womb over the last month of her pregnancy. They are both pretty excited.

Mama is excited also – but from a distance. At the farm she is excited about painting the apartment. Last night she painted the bathroom with a color we had matched to a paint swath at Lowe’s. It was a gallon I had bought for $5 several months ago. The young man who helped her with the color did a great job of darkening the paint to the desired hue.  I am not sure if we will ever need to match it but it will prove difficult if we do. Fortunately it was enough to cover the bathroom and it is a very pleasant color.

I put a second coat on the ceilings as she did the bath and we were both finished about the same time. She had to keep going out for fresh air. It was pretty smelly – from the paint. Not like the other day when she fussed at me about how the bathroom smelled. She told Victoria she thought one of the dogs had pooped in the house.

 I told her most guys would have congratulated me but women see things differently.


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