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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New management, a hot commute, VBS

I had the opportunity to meet me boss’s boss yesterday. She is younger than I had expected but seems to have a good grasp on what is required to lead from the level she now has in the company. She is an impressive individual and will be a great resource for us in the months ahead. She had an afternoon meeting with our group here to talk about the vision for the company from our local perspective and all told, it was encouraging.

When we saw the numbers for the budget for next year it was a pretty significant shock – much less than we had expected. When we finally got into the longer term outlook, the conversation started to improve. We will see how it all pans out, but for the moment, the outlook is less dim than any of us had anticipated and there might be a hint of something good coming to our area here in the Barnett Shale.

As ConocoPhillips recognizes our contribution to safety and improved performance there is talk of using this area as a development area for new personnel to be brought into the company. We would become the training ground for new personnel. The company would hire employees into our area and we would get them up and going during a one or two year period of mentoring and personnel development in several disciplines, then they would be shipped off to other parts of the company where those skills are needed. Not a bad deal.

I am driving the little truck to work right now so we can save mileage on the Flex as we try to sell it. The truck does not have air conditioning and with the temperatures in the triple digits, it is often an uncomfortable ride home in the afternoons. For now, I plan on using the little truck for the rest of this year and into next Spring in order to level out our finances so it may be worth making some repairs, but I have not decided what and how much should be done.

I enjoy driving the truck and in a couple months, as the weather cools down, it will not be as unpleasant  but for now I use the time to acclimate to the heat I will have to be working in as I work to complete the apartment. I gave this week to the Lord because I realize with our participation in VBS each evening I will not get any work done at the farm, but I know it will be a blessing to participate. Maybe there is another very productive weekend ahead of me.

Since I had to stay later than usual for meetings and since Mama and Victoria were coming to Decatur for VBS I stayed in Decatur and met them at church around 6 pm. That left me a little time to look around at Lowe’s and Tractor Supply. I do not often get the opportunity to just spend time looking so it was a relaxing time for me and that was a good thing because when I got to church, things were hopping.

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, but I saw the pace they were keeping and about 8:30 I headed home so I could get things lined out for today and still be in bed before 11pm. I am not much of a late night person since my day usually starts before 5 a.m.  Mama and Victoria got home a little before 10 pm only because they left before the final dismissal – which followed snacks and getting everyone onto the right bus for transport home.

Tonight we will do it all over again.


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