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Friday, August 9, 2013

VBS finale

VBS ended with a bang. The carnival was set up in our gym, on the parking lot and in several grassy areas. Mama and I worked at a game I the gym where inflatable bouncy horses were ridden around inside an inflatable track. All the play areas or games were inflatable except the Gospel train which was made from fifty five gallon drums and was pulled by a 4-wheler. There were about one hundred and fifty kids and many of them brought their parents and grandparents.

Since it was the final night there were grand prizes given out as the winners of the points competition were announced. Victoria and Mama somehow ended up with the chore of tallying the points for each child. Since we are new to the church and they have done this VBS several times there was plenty of coaching from the parents who were scheming to make sure their child won.

 I am sure one of the two parents obviously pressing for their child to win would have taken over the tally but that might have looked even more suspicious. I do hope there are no repercussions from the count but in little things like that it seems that people get their feelings hurt very quickly.

In doing the final count Mama and Victoria missed the entire service where Champ, the miniature horse helped Bro. Walker preach the message. Victoria was a little upset by the goings on but Mama is used to dealing with little rivalries among competing church parents. I am sure the same ones win every time but it would be nice to give some of the nice prizes to the children that do not attend at our church. I have yet to see that happen.

All in all it was very good. There were twenty five children saved and many who’s hearts were stirred. I was also very tiring. The pastor shut down the carnival at 9 pm and the busses were lined up a few minutes later. The kids would have spent the entire night there if allowed but Mama and I were ready to go home. I felt a little badly that I could not stay for the final cleanup but Mama and I kept the area we were watching over cleaned as we went. It was after 10 pm before I got into bed. That may not sound late for some of you but for me that is a little on the late side.

Mama and I are going out this evening for our anniversary since last night was spoken for. This weekend is Trade Days in Bowie and we are looking forward to going.

It should be a fun weekend.


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